Inspired by Jono+Laynie
Gratefuls for this weekend:
1. I am grateful for the beautiful warm weather we had on Saturday, and the resulting
2. dinner outside on the back deck,
3. sight of hot air balloons flying over our city, and
4. backyard bonfire and marshmallows with neighbors.
5. I am grateful for wonderful neighbors with lots of kids for Dino to play with (and fight with, and make up again and play with some more!).
6. I am grateful for Touched Twice United and the amazing way they met the physical and spiritual needs of our community this past weekend,
7. and I am grateful to have been a part of it.
8. I am grateful for The Gideons International, and their mission to make the Bible available to anyone who wants it (They brought Spanish-English bilingual Bibles to give away at the Touched Twice clinic, in response to all of last year's guests' requests for Spanish-language Bibles!)
9. I am grateful for a church that jumps at the opportunity to help others, that strives to get everyone involved, and where my family feels at home every week.
10. I am grateful for Upward basketball, which gives our church kids a chance to socialize with each other, and brings the community together.
11. I am grateful for my incredibly generous and kind husband, who gives above and beyond for those who need.
12. I am grateful for an amazing little boy who has called me "Mom" consistently for the past week, making me beam with pride and tear up with joy every time I hear it.
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